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New manifesto to revolutionise road safety

New manifesto to revolutionise road safety

The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS), a registered charity which advises the Houses of Parliament, has created a new manifesto outlining strategic priorities to revolutionise road safety and significantly reduce deaths and serious injuries on UK roads.

This crucial advancement in road safety planning is hoped to break the ‘stagnation’ in improvements which Britain has seen in recent years and allow us to meet the latest international road safety targets. Currently, five people die on British roads every day and more than 30,000 people are killed or seriously injured each year.

The priorities set out in the manifesto are:

  • Developing a National Road Safety Strategy - A Safe System Strategy focused on prevention, protection, and post-collision response, coupled with evidence-based targets and robust safety performance indicators.
  • Establishing a Road Safety Investigation Branch - An independent body modelled after existing transportation safety branches to analyse road incidents and provide actionable insights for preventing future tragedies.
  • Introducing Graduated Driver Licensing - A progressive licensing system to support young drivers by limiting high-risk driving situations, a measure proven to reduce deaths and serious injuries in crashes involving young drivers by up to 40%.
  • Adopting Advanced Vehicle Safety Regulations - Immediate implementation of the world-leading vehicle safety standards, mandating critical technologies such as automated emergency braking and intelligent speed assistance.

PACTS Executive Director Jamie Hassall said, “These four simple measures will be the building blocks to enable the UK to reduce the number of people that are killed and seriously injured on our roads. When we have strong leadership and a strategic approach, the UK has managed to halve the numbers of road deaths in a decade. Since 2010, the focus has been lost and daily road deaths have remained at five a day. Investing in road safety is not just a moral duty, it’s good for people’s health and wellbeing, the environment, business and the country.

“These are simple, quick wins that are unanimously agreed across the UK’s leading road safety authorities to be top priorities, with the potential to save hundreds of lives and prevent thousands of life-altering injuries over the next few years and put the UK on track to be a world leader again.”

If you would like more information about the manifesto, you can get in touch with Jamie Hassall at

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